“Run for Your Life is my inspirational story about how running transformed my experience of breast cancer, helping me to rewrite the story of what was happening to me. In it, you will discover how I became a runner, why running makes you stronger in so many ways and how those runs to chemo became a source of life and hope.”
That’s Jenny Baker talking about her inspirational new book.
Jenny had just had her best year ever of running – PBs at every distance and a Good for Age entry into the following year’s London Marathon. She was planning to run five marathons to celebrate her 50th birthday, only to see all that start to unravel when she found a lump in her breast. She knew that one in eight women will get breast cancer, but it was a huge shock to discover that she was the one.
Here’s how Jenny sums up her story. Read it to find out how running became her secret weapon for coping with her cancer treatment - and getting her life back on track once it was all over.
- A raw and honest account of how I rose to the challenge of breast cancer and kept running throughout my treatment.
- How my crew of chemo runners gave me strength and courage to run to all my chemotherapy sessions.
- Includes a compelling exploration of how running becomes part of our identity which will resonate with runners of all standards
- Full of insight into how to cope with a cancer diagnosis, and how to offer support and help, relevant to women diagnosed with breast cancer and to their family and friends.
- Why I’m passionate about the importance of exercise for physical and mental health, and for wellbeing.
- Why I’ve run two marathons in Palestine in support of human rights, why the third attempt ended up as a 10k, and how I did the half marathon in Palestine less than three months after finishing cancer treatment.
- Why I’m choosing to live hopefully and to keep on running.
Click here for more information, or to read a sample from Run for Your Life.